Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a biological cell A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at KITS College of Engineering is recognized for its facilities and eminent faculty. The department works towards empowering students for professional and personal excellence. It has created a vibrant knowledge based environment which motivates students to explore new ideas and excel in academics.
The Department boasts of lab facilities that any student of this field might require. The well networked labs include internet facilities, the best computing hardware and peripherals and the latest software available in the market. The department regularly invites eminent personalities of various industries to conduct seminars and lectures. This helps students to gain a better understanding of the current situation of the industry as well as to gain information on varied topics ranging from latest trends to developments in the automation field. The department also provides EDUSAT facility for students to keep abreast to the latest technologies via live sessions. With the best infrastructure available, the department motivates its students to think of innovative and unending possibilities in the field of Computer Science and transform these ideas into technological requirements of the industry, the department is committed to preparing graduates who are capable of contributing to development of computing technology.
Graduates with degrees in computer science or computer engineering might find themselves in a variety of environments – academia, research, industry, government, and private or not-for-profit organizations. On a daily basis, computer professionals are called on to analyze challenges, formulate and test solutions, use advanced communications or multimedia equipment, or work in teams for product development. The opportunities are enormous. However, an education in computer science and engineering does not stop with a college degree. It continues on the job or in the graduate school environment through seminars, conferences, advanced courses, and training.
Computer Lab
Software Lab Hardware Lab Systems Lab Compiler Lab Network Programming Lab Project Lab