The objective of this course is to provide the candidate with wide exposure towards design, manufacturing and testing of Automobiles. The program offers the candidates with sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific and engineering syllabus necessary to formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems in automobile industry. The candidates are also trained to be equipped with visual knowledge which comes from learning the engineering problems with advanced Computer Aided Engineering software. Through this they are motivated to enhance their skills in project as well as research levels.
There is a wide scope of career in Automobile Engineering. It is a branch study of engineering[ which teaches manufacturing, designing, mechanical mechanisms as well as operations of automobiles. It is an introduction to vehicle engineering which deals with motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks, etc. It includes branch study of mechanical, electronic, software and safety elements. Some of the engineering attributes and disciplines that are of importance to the automotive engineer include. in KITS. The department has well established labs and research facility available.
Automobile engineering is the one of the stream of mechanical engineering. It deals with the various types of automobiles, their mechanism of transmission systems and its applications. Automobile engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with everything about automobiles and practices to propel them. Automobile is a vehicle driven by an internal combustion engine and it is used for transportation of passengers and goods on the ground.The Department of Automobile Engineering was established as a core part of Engineering that enhances the technical knowledge and skills in Vehicle Design and Manufacturing. Furthermore the program offers the importance of the Industrial and Society needs related to the application of the scientific principles to the product innovated.
Major Laboratories
Automobile Engines Lab Automobile Repair & Maintenance Lab Automobile Electrical & Electronics Lab Fluid Mechanics Lab Strength & Materials Lab Machine Tools Lab Heat Engines Lab CAD/CAM Lab