Dr. P.ARUN BOSE Principal
It is clear that welfare of our nation and the prosperity of its citizens depend on our Technical Prowess. We have to make con- certed efforts to develop new Technology, synthesize processes, strengthen our manu- facturing base, create novel business models , adopt and assimilate technological devel- opments with zero time lag, identify business opportunities glo- bally etc;. To achieve these objectives, Engineering Education has to undergo a Metamorphosis. The usual practice of teach- ing theory with scoring/passing in Examinations alone cannot and should not be the overwhelming instinct. Deep apprecia- tion of the concepts, theories, principles and the limitations of these theories and their practical application has to be learnt by the student. On top of all these, students have to be made to appreciate “Industrial Practices”. It is obvious that Classroom teaching with a few laboratory sessions, halfhearted industrial visits cannot be the route to achieve these goals. KITS will create processes to mould a student into a con- summate engineer through Hands on practice, Training in Con- ceptualizing and Designing of Products and Services; Indulge in Application oriented research, inculcate an innate urge to learn. The Institution will strive to make the student capable of Independent Learning with Positive attitude and adopt a disci- plined life style. The aim is to create a Good Citizen who will assume the role of a Nation Builder.